Jeri Lynn Nobles
Ministry Assistant
Hi My name is Jeri Lynn Nobles. I have been the ministry assistant at NPBC for over 5 years now. NPBC has been my home church since I was about 13 years old. I left for a time during my teenage years and came back. I love of my church and church family. NPBC is a very loving church. 
Pastor Phil Hall
Phil Hall

My name is Phil Hall but everyone calls me Phil.  I been the pastor at New Prospect for over 6 years as of March 1, 2021.  I have been in the ministry for more that 30 years and am organically from Laurens.   I love the local church and always amazed at how God uses Smaller Churches for his kingdom good.  New Prospect is a loving church

Nancy Coleman
Music & Choir Director
Church Pianist
Carolyn Sprouse
Church Custodian